A4MCAR Introduction and Setup
1. Introduction
2. Google Summer of Code Contribution
3. Accessing the Project
4. Hardware Setup
5. Software Setup
A4MCAR Introduction and Setup
Welcome to A4MCAR’s Introduction and Setup Manual
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Welcome to A4MCAR’s Introduction and Setup Manual
1. Introduction
1.1. Scope
1.2. What is A4MCAR?
1.3. What is APP4MC?
1.4. Objectives of A4MCAR Project
1.5. A4MCAR Methodology and Features
1.6. Future Developments
2. Google Summer of Code Contribution
2.1. Development Workflow
3. Accessing the Project
3.1. Google Summer of Code Page
3.2. Source Code
3.3. Documentations
3.4. External Links
4. Hardware Setup
5. Software Setup
5.1. Downloading A4MCAR applications from the Git repo
5.2. Provided Filesystem
5.3. High-Level Applications Setup
Indices and tables
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