.. toctree:: :glob: Hardware Setup ############### A4MCAR is featured with two controllers: (1)- High-level controller controller that is equipped with a `Raspberry Pi `_, with applications ported to Raspbian OS on ARM Cortex A53 processor, and (2)- Low-level controller based on an `XMOS xCORE-200 ExplorerKIT development kit `_ that is equipped with a 16-core microcontroller. .. figure:: ../a4mcarstatic/img/boards.jpg :width: 80% :alt: Development boards used in A4MCAR :figclass: align-center :align: center Development boards used in A4MCAR Development boards in A4MCAR are interfaced with many peripherals for different purposes. A brief look of how devices are interfaced and low-level schematics are given below for reference. .. figure:: ../a4mcarstatic/img/hwoverview.png :width: 80% :alt: Hardware overview of A4MCAR :figclass: align-center :align: center Hardware overview of A4MCAR .. figure:: ../a4mcarstatic/img/RCCAR_Schematics.png :width: 100% :alt: A4MCAR Low-Level Schematics :figclass: align-center :align: center A4MCAR Low-level Schematics (Click to Enlarge)